GUEST LIST - in no particular order
If you're listed here and bringing a guest but haven't registered them, please do so. Thanks!
We look forward to see everyone. Keep spreading the word.
Dave Skvarla
Brad Blaha
Ryan Rigby
Terry Quigley
Tom & Sara Whyte
Sue Godsey & Rob
Dan Jones
Stephanie Eihl
Janet Schultze (Lahti)
Scott Peters
Michael Dunnigan
Ann & Mike Hiltenbrand
Chris Smith
Bobby Merritt & Karolyn
Dawna Gitzlaff
Carol Hintze
Paul "Onion" Hinterlong
Tom Veitch & Linda
Maria DePasquale
David Rausch
Gary Granberg
Mark Genovese
Tiffany Strandberg-Jendrzejczyk & Guest
Kris and Scott House
Steve Fluke
John Kattke (late appearance)
Randy Dionne & Guest
Ken & Vallerie Minor
Bob Kauffman
Karen Jacobson
Dan Jones
Dana Wanberg
Ginger Burner Ovens & Marty
Silvia Cangiano & Steve
Lamont Pugh & Rebecca
Brad & Lisa Graveline
Gary Granberg
Andrew Bos
Alida & Bob Trocke
Gary Ferguson & Guest
Mukund & Shirin Komanduri
Mike Gehr & Ann
Kathy Stajdohar-Pierson
Helen Belgio
Pete Graziano
It won't be the same without you!!
August 19, 2023
Thank you to all that registered their contact information. Use this link to purchase your ticket to the event. This helps the committee in our planning process knowing how many will attend. As a reminder - prices will increase as of July 1st and at the door. The more the merrier!!
The 40th reunion will be held at the VFW on August 19, 2023. The Ticket Price will be $75 per person - after July 1 they will be $85 per person. The earlier we know how many are coming the better.
A block of rooms have been reserved at the Indigo Hotel - so make your reservations fast. Other hotels in the area are listed on the Hotel Page.
Hotel Indigo -
Must reserve by July 19, 2023
Special Rate Block of Rooms for Friday & Saturday
Use this link to the Indigo or call
120 Water Street
Naperville, IL 60540
Booking Code: NNHS40 and Mention Discount Code: NNR
$229 per room plus fees/taxes.
Please pass on the link to other classmates who might be interested in attending the reunion. We have reconnected with many classmates and are excited about getting everyone together for the 40th reunion.
We will make announcements via email, this site and our facebook page, and look forward to seeing all of you soon!!
Your NNHS '83 Reunion Comittee
Get Your Reunion Tickets Here!
Buy your ticket today to see these some of these fine folks including:
Paul Payette, Dana Wanberg, Jane Peers-Hill, Lisa Sennstrom, Kathy Stajdohar-Pierson, Pamela Sackmann, Diane Hill Lawson, Lewis Olsen, Dan Jones, Chris Smith, Christy Tarter Lockridge, Silvia Cangiano, Annette LeSage Gruba, Karen (Estabrooks) Hilverda, Steve Jaracz, Julie Krantz, Tom Veitch, Vivian (Mitchell) Hutton, Karen Jacobson, Brian Buoy, Nancy (Newham) Ingold, Anne Powers, Eric Veller, Gary Granberg, Alida Harper Trocke, Cameron Chapman, Tom Whyte, Brian Pilz, Dan Baker, Kris and Scott House, Susan (Ellman) Graulty, Nancy Pfab (Palko), Michael Lang, Victoria Anderson, Ann & Mike Hiltenbrand, Margaret Neely-Ingle, Rachelle Lewis, Ginger Burner Ovens, Randy Dionne, Janet Schultze (Lahti), Mark Genovese, Jeff Collins, Brian Pilz, Helen Belgio, Karen & Brad Blaha, Betsy Malone, James Helm, Pete Graziano, And Many More...